What we offer
Predge delivers sophisticated decision support services for operation and maintenance. By utilizing existing data sources we predict failures and estimates the remaining useful life of your assets.
How it works
By combining our sophisticated products, domain knowledge and close collaboration with our customers we deliver value for our customers.

Acquisition and integration
With an agnostic approach, we collect historical and real-time data to ensure value at an early stage for our customers. In order to fulfill customer needs, an adequate analysis is carried out with a focus on needs, dependencies and data quality. This is done by integrating data from various sensors and systems.
Processing and analytics
A very important step is to perform sophisticated analytics. Here we refine the data to estimate RUL (Remaining Useful Life) and predict failures. Confident and interpretable results are important and hence validation and iterative processes are a key. Relying and understanding the information, next step is to aggregate the analytics to a decision support.

Read various sensor data, analyze and predict
Who makes the decision and what information is needed? Predge provides a good basis for better operational decision-making with reliable information. As our customer, you have a powerful decision support tool supporting your operation and maintenance processes. Understanding your needs, we work close with our customers to manage business changes and allowing a digital evolution.

Keep track on your rolling stock assets by integrating, analyzing and visualizing all your condition data. By performing analytics on integrated wayside, maintenance, weather and business data, Predge Rolling Stock allows our customers to have access to reliable information to take the right decisions.

Reliability and function of belt conveyors are critical aspects for all operations where the transport of bulk media is an important part of the delivery. Downtime has serious consequences for the business. Our solution provides an instantaneous and long term health check of the equipment and creates a basis for decision-making for maintenance to ensure continuity in operation.

By using solutions presented by the Predge team, the results expected are as following:
Increased reliability and availability
Reduced capital expenditures (CAPEX)
Decreased maintenance costs (OPEX)

Customer case

Increased reliability
Real Rail Sweden AB is part of the
Sandahls Group. With over 500 freight
wagons, they offer a unique rail solution for transporting goods over longer distances….

SSAB Steel Shuttle operated by VTG
The 1200-kilometer railway between Luleå and Borlänge is an important link in the SSAB production chain. Every 24 hours trains and wagons go in each direction, so the reliability is vital…

Reducing the number of stops
The Arctic Rail Express (ARE) delivers efficient transport between Oslo and Narvik in northern Norway. It is Europe’s longest direct train transport…

From reactive to predictive
From their mines in Northern Sweden, LKAB has an annual iron ore production of 30 million tonnes, making them the biggest producer in all of Europe…