Predge secures Kaunis Iron’s rail transportations

Predge has signed an agreement with Kaunis Iron on decision support for predictive maintenance on their railway fleet. The decision support contributes to reduced operational disturbance and enables condition based maintenance.
“We see that Predge’s solution helps us and our partners Rail Care T, Kiruna Wagon, and Damill AB. Their solution can make our rail transportation go without interruption and our maintenance work can be done preemptively. We can thus secure our customer deliveries and optimize our maintenance costs.”, says Thomas Nordmark, Terminal Manager at Kaunis Iron.
Predge have developed a decision support that, though analysis of data from railways and locomotives, gives information about when maintenance should be done to prevent unplanned stops. The company has a worldwide market and has a majority of its customers in Europe.
“We are really happy that Kaunis Iron have chosen us as providers of decision support to increase delivery security and make maintenance more efficient. It’s great to have local customers who are willing to be on the forefront of digitalization.”, says Bengt Jonsson, CEO of Predge AB.
Every day two trains roll out in both directions between Kaunis Iron’s terminal in Pitkäjärvi and Narvik harbour. In Narvik, iron ore concentrate is transferred to waiting ore ships and transported to customers across the globe.
Kaunis Iron estimates a yearly production of 2.1 million tons.